Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Website for Anxiety and Stress help

            The item of interest that I chose was a website on anxiety and stress.  The website is  This site was designed to educate and encourage those who are currently suffering from stress and stress-related disorders such as anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, obsessive thinking as well as those who might be suffering from mild to moderate depression.  The website was created by Susan who shares her story of struggle with anxiety.

            This website has a lot of free resources that can help anyone, and I have used some of the resources to help high school students with anxiety and stress.  One of the main items on the website I have used is the self-talk for stress mp3s.  This guides you thru self-talk to help in reducing stress. 

            These are the steps she recommends to follow. Whether you suffer with chronic stress, anxiety, obsessive scary thoughts, phobias, or depression, you will be able to build your own self-help plan using the unique steps. Step 1: Understanding it all. Learn your options. It's time to make some real choices for yourself. Step 2: Get in touch with yourself and your self-talk.  Step 3: Exercise is important and necessary. Learning to bring exercise into your daily routine.  Step 4:Changing bad eating habits to good eating habits. What you eat makes a big difference in how you feel. Step 5:Time to take your self-talk for a walk.  Putting new thoughts into action using CBT Techniques. Step 6:Keeping Stress Management in your daily routine.  Step 7:Encourage others and you encourage yourself. Step 8:Keeping Realistic Expectations. Giving up is never an option.
            Take a look at the site an see what things you can use with your high school students, colleagues, family and friends.  She also has in the site a blog, articles, worksheets, alternative medicine options and many other helpful things. 

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