Wednesday, October 2, 2019


My first item of interest is one that is used at the school I work at. Gages Lake school is a therapeutic school for kids who may struggle in a standard academic setting and who may have fallen behind due to emotional, behavioral or other psychological challenges. Gonoodle is a tool that is used to provide desk-side movements that allow kids to achieve more by keeping them engaged and motivated throughout the day. It provides many different opportunities for short or long movement breaks to get kids up and moving. There are different categories to choose from depending on what you want to focus on. This tool is normally used with children that are 5-12 years old. This website is great because it is free because it can be used anywhere by educators, family and kids can use it.

GoNoodle is connected to evidence-based practice for many reasons. It boosts productivity, improves behavior and builds community. Students who move and practice mindfulness with this program tend to be more focused, engaged and ready to learn. It improves behavior because it gives kids the opportunity for kids to move and learn different mindfulness skills to manage their emotions. Study shows that students who use GoNoodle are involved in fewer behavioral incidents. GoNoodle also builds fun into classrooms by boosting students' confidence and providing the opportunity for peer to peer connections. Gonoodle could be connected to the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy model because it incorporates meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation. Through these techniques, CBT teaches children to take control of their own emotions. 

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