Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Work Scrapbook (Ethical Dilemmas, Youtube Channel)

Social Work Scrapbook Youtube
Social Work Ethical Decision Making Guide

I found my item of interest in my SWK-611 Field Practicum class. My item of interest is, The Social Work Scrapbook, it a series of Youtube videos, blogs, social media and tools to use for social workers. All of these resources are run by a social worker from Texas, Lauren. Lauren offers a unique and modern approach to help social workers navigate the challenges and benefits of being a social worker. The topics Lauren presents are very applicable to social workers’ personal and professional lives. Her Youtube channel offers a number of vlogs on different topics across the social work profession. Her blog opens up a space for discussion on these topics and other tools that are useful, which are also available for free on I have found Lauren’s perspective and tools to be helpful in my own learning and offer another approach to new information outside of the classroom. 

One of the most useful tools I have found in Lauren’s media is the “Social Workers Ethical Dilemma Decision Making Guide”. This tool, created by Lauren is paired with a short Youtube video discussing ethical dilemmas and how to navigate them best. The decision making guide presents simple questions to help the social worker assess and analyze the situation and how to approach the issue. 

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