Saturday, October 5, 2019

Breathing Exercises

Today, teens are struggling with stress and anxiety issues due to peer pressure, social media, academic performance, and college preparation. This can cause teenagers to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to manage their stress such as avoiding responsibilities, overeating, substance and alcohol abuse. There are healthier ways for teenagers to manage their stress such as drawing, listening to music, positive self-talk, meditation, yoga, and playing sports. Research also shows that breathing exercises help reduce stress at all age levels.
When people are stressed or anxious, they take shorter and more rapid breaths. By taking a few deep breaths can instantly calm and reduce stress in people. As a social work intern, I’ve been looking for practical tools to provide education and mental health services during my sessions with students. Many of my students have been struggling with stress and anxiety. So teaching my students how to take deep and slow breaths when they are feeling stressed or anxious can help them feel calmer at that moment. Breathing exercises can be helpful for students to use inside and outside of school. They can use deep breathing exercises before a test or even help fall asleep better. It can be easily used in their home, classroom, after school activity, anywhere. It is also a tool that can be used in the workplace after they graduate. I found three easy breathing exercises from Kids Health that can be implemented during counseling sessions or even at the moment a teen is experiencing a lot of anxiety or stress.

Teens Health from Nemours. (2019). Relaxation exercises: breathing basics. Retrieved from

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