Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Self Esteem Quiz/Video/Seventeen Mag/Face Your Feelings Activity

I designed this as a 4-in-1 activity to be done in one session. This activity can be utilized in a school setting; however I feel it can be utilized in any setting if modified. It is best used with small groups of 4-6 students. This activity can be used as a secondary build upon activity from the Popsicle Surprise activity I presented last week. It can be tailored for any child/adolescent/teen ages 5 – 19. This activity can be custom designed for any group you are having surrounding different topics. You can have Face Your Feelings about Anxiety, Depression, Social Skills, Healthy Dating, LGBTQIAAP. The word cut outs for the mirror activity can be tailored around your specific topic; you can find a video clip about your topic, and short survey question quiz regarding your topic (or create a survey quiz).

School Social Work Model:
This item of interest meets the School Social Work model under the practice feature of “Promoting a school climate conducive to student learning and teaching excellence.” This is done by school social workers promoting a psycho-social environment that fosters academic engagement and achievement. This practice is implemented by the school social worker building supportive relationships within and between students and facilitating engagement between students such as small groups. (

The objective of this group 4-in-1 activity is to increase open discussion about specific areas and challenges students are having in relation to self-esteem, self worth, self-confidence etc. The goals for this 4-in-1 activity is for the students to increase self-awareness and understanding of their own challenges surrounding the topic of self-esteem and continue to facilitate open dialogue; while also continuing to build the students trust, knowledge, support, and from their peers.  

Process Method:
I haven’t decided yet which order is best to perform this activity. If watching the video clip first, then quiz, then mirror activity is best and would result in the most open and honest dialogue or switching it around. I will be putting this 4-in-1 activity to the test next semester at my placement starting a new girls group. (This is where I need your feedback)

Self-Esteem Quiz:
The quiz is kept confidential during the activity. I explain to them that I will collect them and keep them. No names needed on the papers unless they feel comfortable putting their names on them. Give them 1 minute and 30 seconds to do the quiz.

Video clip link:
The video clip is 1 minute long.

Seventeen Magazine Comparison:
Compare the two covers from 2011 to 2016. (You can go on their website and get old covers.

Face Your Feelings Mirror Activity:
Purchased mirrors from the Dollar Tree, and Velcro self-adhesive circles from Joanne Fabrics. Used Seventeen magazines to cut out various thoughts, feelings, ideas, catchphrases all surrounding self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. In total I have about 40 different positive, negative, and neutral types feelings. Dump them on the table (preferably prior to the students coming in but cover them up) Give the students 30 seconds to pick the first 4 feelings that they can relate to at this exact moment (not yesterday, not two hours ago, not how you want to feel in the future) how they feel about themselves right now. I learned that giving them too much time to pick feelings also gives them too much time to think about what others are picking and second-guessing their feelings etc.

The remainder of the group will be used to have open dialogue about the students thoughts, feelings, reaction to the video clip, the quiz, the feelings they faced on their mirrors, and the two Seventeen magazine covers.


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