Thursday, November 3, 2016


Today I Choose.....

This activity is a great to use with girls in order for them to feel empowered in the everyday choices they may not know they make. It is important for teens to know that although some choices and decisions in their lives are made by their parents, guardians and teachers they still make many choices for themselves. This exercise is very helpful for all a middle school girls group as middle school can be very hard on teens who are growing many changes, mentally, physically and emotionally. It is important that they know that they do play an active role in the choices they make everyday. 


Everything we do is a choice. Every choice has a consequence. The consequence can be positive or negative. Girls often have a difficult time thinking about the ramifications of their decisions. The pressure and uncertainties during times of trouble can lead to poor choices. This activity focuses on the importance of thinking though and planning to help promote healthy decision making.

  1. Explain to the girls that they will be focusing on choices. Ask some examples of the many choices they make every day.
  2. Talk about about these examples and point out that good choices are often harder to make but usually lead to better results.
  3. Talk to the girls about how empowering themselves helps them know that they make choices in their life.
  4. Have them make a list of the choices they make on a daily bases. 
  5. Once they are done have them talk about a couple of the choices they wrote down.
  6. Once they are done sharing talk about the what types of consequences they may face if they do not make those choices. Ex. If they choose not to brush their teeth, what might happen? If they choose not to eat lunch, what might happen?
  7. Complete the activity and explain the idea that making choices is empowering.
Closing Questions

  • Can you name a couple of choices that are sometimes difficult to make?
  • Why do you think these situations are so hard?
  • How will you use what you have learned in the future?
J.V. Taylor & S. Trice-Black. Girls in Real Life Situations: Group Counseling Activities for Enhancing Social and Emotional Development- Grades 6-12 (2007)

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