Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Love is Respect

My first item of interest is a website that focuses on relationships. It is part of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. This website has resources and information that are helpful to students or families that are suffering from domestic violence or relationship abuse. It can be used as a psychoeducational resource to educate teens or families on intimate partner violence. It can also be used to supplement an intervention with a student using the information and downloadable materials. There are different printable resources such as quizzes and surveys that can be helpful in analyzing relationships. It is a great resource to use in high schools with students who do not quite understand healthy and unhealthy relationships or cannot determine if their relationships are healthy. The site also includes links to blog posts that discuss personal stories and advice to those who might be in similar situations. Love is respect also includes videos that can be helpful in teaching teens about relationships and abuse. There are resources as well that can help you determine what steps to take if you or a loved one is experiencing abuse. The site also has resources that provide legal information, such as what to do if you are an undocumented immigrant and do not know your rights. It also provides information on LBTQ relationships and also becoming an LGBTQ ally. The site also provides an “ask an advocate” option in which you can call the number posted on the site, text, or use the chat. I have used this site in one of my groups to help educate students on healthy relationships and who you can contact if you think you are in an unsafe relationship. The site includes even more information that what I have stated, and it is an extremely useful resource!
            As previously stated, this resource can be used for psychoeducational purposes. It worked great in my group for at-risk high school freshmen. Resources from the site sparked much conversation and got the students to want to learn more about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Psychoeducational information is a great way to help students understand a topic that they may be struggling with. This resource can also be used individually with students or their families to help intervene in an intimate partner violence situation. It is especially useful for understand the first steps to take when you are the victim of IPV. I also think it is a great support piece because the blogs and other posts share personal experiences of the authors and it lets the student or families know they are not alone in their situation.

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