Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Brene Brown's BRAVING Acronym- The Seven Levels of Trust

My first item of interest is Brene Brown's BRAVING acronym for the seven elements of trust.  According to Brown, trust is made up of many small elements which are seen in day to day interactions.  The seven elements of trust can be broken down into boundaries, reliability, accountability, vault, integrity, and nonjudgement.  These seven elements are further broken down during Oprah's Super Soul Podcast, where Brene Brown is a featured guest.  During this episode of the podcast, Brene Brown speaks in depth about each of the seven elements.

In the context of my internship at Wheeling High School, my supervisor and I have been using the seven elements of trust with students every day.  This acronym serves as a great tool for helping students evaluate the relationships that they have, differentiating between friends who can or should not be trusted, and how to be a good friend to others.  In addition, we have used this acronym as an opportunity to teach the importance of being present for and trusting oneself.  We have experienced an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from students in regards to this tool.  This is incredibly valid and applicable to the lives of middle and high school students.

Attached is a link to the podcast, and a pdf of the acronym.  I have the acronym printed and displayed in my office.  Feel free to do the same!

Link to the podcast via YouTube:

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