Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Treatment Planner

While meeting with my advisor before I have an IEP meeting, I was struggling to create goals that would be sufficient. My supervisor handed me a bunch of packets, some helpful and some not so helpful. He then showed me a book, “The Complete Psychotherapy Treatment Planner.” He explained how he uses this book frequently for his students to help him come up with goals. What he also explained was how it broke down the long-term goals into short-term objectives. For the short-term objectives, it give many therapeutic interventions to use for each objective. While working with my students, this book will give me suggestions for my students’ goals, but also suggestions for objectives and interventions to use.

My supervisor explained to me that his copy was very old and there was probably a specific adolescent version that was much newer, so I searched it and got my hands on my copy. When I got my copy and dug deeper into the book, the objectives and interventions have an EBP symbol next to the ones that are psychological treatments that have the best supportive evidence for the interventions and objectives. This is very helpful when working in a school because when I am trying to work with a student, I know that when I follow the suggestions from this book, I will be using a practice that is evidence based. This book has been very helpful so far and you can get it for relatively cheap on amazon. 

Here is the amazon link

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