Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Safe School Ambassadors

For my item of interest, I chose to write about  the Safe School Ambassadors (SSA)  program used to stop bullying in the school. This program helps students to take an active role supporting other students who may be teased at a given moment. The staff members give these tools to popular students who may have the greater social influence to reach out to vulnerable isolated students.  This immediate intervention is quicker and often more effective than conflict resolution. While the popular students may mentor the other students, they are observant of  their peers' risky behaviors and sudden changes of behavior. There have been results where there is less wasted time disciplining troublesome students when school administrations implemented this program.

The Safe School Ambassadors program is one of many anti-bullying measures that are successful at stopping students from hurting one another. There are many times of bullying that consist of cyberbullying, under the radar, as well as mistreatment of LGBT individuals. I would like to incorporate this program in the future. Rather than assigning students to be ambassadors, I want to have them volunteer for the positions.This can be an afterschool activity where the students can foster new friendships and partnerships with others.  I want to foster a positive atmosphere inside and outside of the classroom for all students.

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