Wednesday, October 18, 2017

StreetLight Chicago homeless youth

Rebecca Zavala
StreetLight Chicago
StreetLight Chicago is a new app created for adolescents experiencing homelessness in the city of Chicago. This application was created by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. This new app provides up-to-date information on shelters, health clinics, emergency contacts, education and job placement, food programs, mental health services and more. This app was created from a focus group conducted on what did youth experiencing homelessness need? The app was created for youth so it is user friendly. The app has a map and provides locations for resources nearby and how to navigate to those locations. Through the app, you can book a bed for the night at a shelter. The app is helpful in that it is a “one-stop shop” for many resources.

This app will be helpful and we can share with our students. I think this app would be great for teenagers. This can also be beneficial in giving our students a sense of empowerment and providing them with this resource and hopefully they can seek services easily through the app. I also appreciate that the creators really tailored it to adolescents. This application would fall under the core competency five: Advance human rights and social and economic justice. Our students have basic human rights, such as freedom, safety, privacy, an adequate standard of living. We are the advocate for the student and it is our responsibility to provide and inform our students of resources available to them.  

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