Monday, October 22, 2018

Mindful Games

Jaclyn Walsh
Item of Interest



For my item of interest, I chose to talk about the awesome resource for client work by the name of, Mindful Games Activity Cards. This is a great resource to have for young kiddos and teens. I had purchased Mindfulness Games the book last year and dogeared a bunch of pages. The focus in this book is on assisting kids with the development of their sensory awareness, their focusing skills and the regulation of emotions, all with a sense of freedom. This book talks about the importance of kids learning how to ‘check in with themselves’ or to know when they need to ‘check out’; essentially practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness and meditation are at the core of this book, with the author zooming in her focus on 6 different life skills sections: focusing, quieting, seeing, reframing, caring, and connecting. Within each of these sections are multiple activities, with each activity having a brief summary at the top for what it entails (always simple yet effective), how long the activity takes, the skill set that it focuses on developing and the age group that the author recommends it for. Though it does say for teenagers as well, I did notice that many of these activities seem to be geared towards younger kids, though you can most certainly make your own modifications. I did mention the playing cards (I have not purchased these yet), only because it may be easier to pull them out during a session, rather than flip through the book. All of these ‘games’ are super innovative and possess a genuine and gentle approach. The earlier kids start learning the practice of mindfulness the more internally/externally aware and compassionate adults they will be. Mindful games can be implemented in group settings/activities, as well as individually. Mindful games can also be helpful for educators to check in with their students and take ‘brain breaks’.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, also known as MBSR, is an evidence based practice that implements aspects of mindfulness meditation and yoga into practice with clients. The emphasis in this intervention is on the attention to thoughts. Many individuals suffering from anxiety, panic disorders, depression and even pain disorders can see great benefits from the implementation of this intervention. MBSR is increasing in popularity throughout the United States.

Mindful Games can be purchased through Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Book: $12
Playing Cards: $17

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