Wednesday, October 10, 2018

LGBTQ Inclusive Schools  

Welcoming Schools is a website that provides resources for a LGBTQ and gender inclusive school. There is professional development training that they provide to elementary school educators around prevention of bias based bullying, being inclusive in schools and support of Transgender and non binary students.  They also provide resources for those working at a school.

This website provides tips for having an inclusive classroom.  For example, what could that look like and what conversations could be helpful.  They also include ideas of how to respond when a student says harmful things like, "that's so gay".  In addition, they discuss how to initiate these conversations with students who use hurtful language about gender and they give sample responses.  It gives ideas on how to navigate these conversations, which can be difficult, especially with younger students.

There are lessons on how to create an inclusive school and also how to prevent bias bullying.  Also, they mention how books can be a great tool for teaching students to be inclusive and there are lesson plans for the books. 

The HRC Welcoming Schools approach is firmly grounded in research and they also have a case study of the program’s efficacy with 12 schools.  There are numerous videos showing these lessons and the purpose of welcoming schools. This is great resource to have guidance in creating a dialogue with students and a positive environment at your school about being inclusive. It provides support in knowing how to address questions and conflict that come up in schools in order to have a safer and more welcoming school environment.

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