Monday, November 6, 2017

Calm Classroom

Calm Classroom- Bringing Mindfulness to School
Calm Classroom is a resource we use at York High School in the classroom and in group sessions with our students.  It is a form of guided mediation for students with anxiety and can be helpful in getting the classroom together and more peaceful.  Calm Classroom is a way to promote mental and emotional well-being through mindfulness.  The intention of this curriculum is to use this mindfulness based tool to "manage stress and achieve emotional well-being" by activating the body's relaxation response.  Research done by those who use Calm Classroom has shown that student and teacher stress is reduced, while classroom engagement is improved. 
In my own placement, I use Calm Classroom in an anxiety and a social-emotional learning group.  I implement the practice at the start of the group so the students start with a calm and relaxed attitude.  This can be done by playing the guided mediation music or scripts, or by reading the script to the students yourself.  Some students do not enjoy the guided mediation, so instead we do our own mindfulness practices.  I always allow for a discussion after to see how the students felt about that weeks activity.
The Social Work Model area I would put this resources into would be Practice 1 "Provide evidence based education, behavior, and mental health services".  This is done by implementing multi-tiered programs and practices, in group and individual settings.
"Feeling the Breath" is an activity for the high school classroom and "Body Scan" is for elementary and middle school classrooms.

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