Monday, December 12, 2016

Item of Interest: Restorative Justice, what is it?

Savannah Sawle

Item of Interest


I chose to discuss restorative justice in the school settings for several reasons, particularly because I feel it has the potential to be very effective. In my field placement, we have had a group called Alternatives Inc. provide training on implementing Restorative Justice in the school setting. I feel that that my placement is the perfect candidate for utilizing this intervention, as there is ample opportunity to restore justice in the classroom settings and among peers. Many of the school facility and staff have a strong mindset fixed on punitive intervention and feel as though their hands are tied because suspension is not an acceptable intervention any longer. Almost daily I observe school faculty and staff feeling helpless because suspension is off of the table when a student misbehaves. Unfortunately, it seems as though most school facility and staff let this sense of helplessness overcome them, and as a result, do not buy-in to tools that are provided such as Restorative Justice.

As an intern, I am trying to implement Restorative Justice as much as possible and allowing myself to be the guinea pig who uses the intervention to see how it works in the school. So far, it appears as though the students are very responsive to it; especially when circling for conflict resolution. I’m hoping I can show the school faculty and staff that Restorative Justice will be a more proactive approach to school related issues so that, if anything, it can make their lives a little more harmonious. I would encourage other interns to use Restorative Justice approaches in their placement because now is a time for trial and error, and we are currently in a very neutral position being “just interns.” I understand that change can be hard at times; however, I feel that Restorative Justice is actually the path of least resistance and will in turn create a better learning environment for both teachers and students.
Below are videos shared during Item of Interest share time:

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