Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mindfulness activities

The item of interest that I chose was a website on mindfulness activities.  The website is This site was designed for community practitioners.  They are a science-based online resource with courses, techniques, tools and tips to put positive psychology into practice every day.  They have many resources that can help you.  The blog is the one that interested me.  I am working with students that suffer from depression and anxiety and have noticed that mindfulness has been very helpful.  They have many mindfulness activities for both adults and kids. 
            One activity that I have done with a few of my students is the Present moment activity
This activity involves your 5 senses.  The student will write:  Right now I see…., Right now I hear….., Right now I am touching….., Right now I smell….., Right now I feel……..
This is a great way for students to be more in the present moment.  The activity takes about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. 
            Another activity that I have tried with my students in the mindful walking.  Mindful walks are a great way to practice and maintain mindfulness in everyday life.  There are just 4 easy steps they shall follow.  Step 1: Pick up one foot and take a slow-motion step forward.  Notice what you have to do to stay balanced.  Step 2: Walk in slow motion, one step at a time.  Pay attention to how your arms, legs, and feet move as you walk.  Step 3: Breathe in and out in time with your steps, working in tandem.  Step 4: If your mind starts to wander, bring it gently back to your slow-motion walking.
            Check out their website and start practicing mindfulness with your students.

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