Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Emotions Tree

This worksheet was shared with me last year during my foundation year field placement at Youth Services of Glenview/Northbrook. It was originally presented as a tool to use with children who have been impacted by trauma. It was recommended to me that I use it with a client and have him identify various members of his family and then explore the reasons behind his choices. I have since used this tool in a number of other ways. I have utilized this as a form of a family tree for adolescent clients of various backgrounds. I appreciate that the people around the tree do not conform to specific genders or sexuality so there is room for the client to pick and choose as they please. Additionally, there are a number of emotions portrayed by the people that can be interpreted by the client in various ways. I have also used this worksheet to explore emotions and broaden a client's emotional vocabulary. This can be especially useful with clients on the spectrum who may benefit from social skills therapy. This worksheet is so open ended! I welcome your thoughts and feedback on how this may fit you and your client's needs. 

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