Monday, November 5, 2018

Calm Classroom

The second item of interest I chose was Calm Classroom, by Jai and Joy Luster.  This is an evidence based program that uses mindfulness techniques to help students and teachers be more aware of themselves.  The program focuses on developing self-awareness, mental focus and inner calm.  Calm Classroom provides users with ways to manage stress, regulate their emotions, and live more balanced lives.  The program includes breathing, stretching, relaxation, and focusing methods to create a more mindful school climate.  Many of these techniques are written down by the authors and read to the class by the teacher.  Each technique takes roughly three minutes to implement by a teacher.  The teacher is supposed to do the activities three times a day at scheduled times.  These methods are not limited to just a school, they can also be implemented during individual sessions with students. 
Calm Classroom is ultimately dependent on the teacher or social workers consistency to utilize the methods provided in the curriculum; regular use will produce the most effective results.  Ultimately, the program encourages the development of empowered and self-aware students and emphasizes peace in ourselves and our communities. 

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