Thursday, September 29, 2016

Story Sharing and Listening

This is an activity for a group to develop better social skills of sharing, listening, and taking turns doing so. It is effective in a small group of students, particularly groups with a variety of social needs. 
Some students may require more prompts to tell a story, and may not even come near the 3-minute time limit, and some may require fewer prompts, but would be capable of sharing story after story for well over 3 minutes if there were not a timer. I added the element of drawing the stories while listening so that the other students are actively engaged listeners as their fellow participants share. This activity relates to the evidence-based practice of Character Education in social and emotional learning. The Talk and Listen activity applies the Illinois State Social Emotion Learning Standard A.1A.1b. to "demonstrate control of impulsive behavior."

Khalsa, S. S. (1996). Group exercises for enhancing social skills and self-esteem. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.

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