Thursday, September 29, 2016

Simple Thought Record

Item of interest

Simple Thought Record

 A simple thought record is one of the main tools used in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This Tool Can be used for individual or group sessions. It is used to help break down a problem or situation into smaller parts. First it is important for the client/student to understand the connection between thoughts and feelings: “How the way we think can affect our actions and mood”. Students often need help and practice at identifying the link between thoughts and emotions before they move on to challenging these negative thoughts and replacing them with more helpful/positive thoughts. Some clients might find it helpful to practice identifying Negative Automatics Thoughts using a Simple Thought Record before introducing the process of evidence-gathering and thought challenging. The simple thought record will ideally help identify triggers for anxiety, depression, stress, etc. and help connect thoughts with these feelings. The next steps for a more complex thought record would include alternative and positive ways of thinking and ways you can include them in your life.

Simple thought record

Who, what, when, where?
What was going through your mind as you started to feel this way? (thoughts or images)
What did you feel?
Rate your emotions 0-100%

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