Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Goal Setting Problem Solving Tier 2

For my item of interest, I have chosen a tool that my supervisor and I use when co-leading our male Tier 2 groups. This group is for males who have indicated need for additional educational support to improve school performance. This can also work with female students as well. We use a goal setting problem solving approach weekly during their lunch through the means of a worksheet. The worksheet is broken down into four main sections: Short term goals: goals they want to accomplish within the six weeks’ frame. Long term goals: goals after high school. Third section are the obstacles that get in the of accomplishing the short term goals. Lastly plans of action, this is where as a team we brainstorm ways for that student to succeed with accomplishing their short term goals for that week. This allows for open dialogue to be held within the group. After six weeks we evaluate where the student's grades started to where their grades ended up, after the goals in placed. And if they may benefit with more sessions. 

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